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Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of planning went into the decision?

The decision to pursue a bond referendum is the result of more than two years of planning.


We have partnered with architects and contractors to assess our facilities and identify cost-effective solutions that we believe will allow the district to adequately accommodate and educate students for years to come.


We also formed a facility committee that includes members of our community to ensure a wide array of voices were heard throughout this process. It’s important that we have a shared vision when it comes to designing the future of education in Earlham.

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Click the image above to learn more about Earlham CSD's planning.

Will residents vote on the proposed solution to the district’s needs?

Yes. Registered voters who reside within the Earlham Community School District will have the opportunity to consider the general obligation bond referendum on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.




How much revenue would an approved bond issue provide?

If approved, the general obligation bond would provide the district with no more than $10 million.


How does a voter-approved general obligation bond work?

The bond will be on the ballot on November 5, 2024. For the bond to pass and for the proposed improvement and expansion projects to move forward, it will need voter support of at least 60%. If the referendum is not successful, the earliest that Earlham CSD could propose another bond issue is November 2025


Where would the new Career Academy be located?

This proposed facility would be constructed on 30 acres owned by the district on the city's western edge. Building here would allow the district to relocate the Ag and Industrial Technology programs to this site. We would also work with Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) to develop our Work-Based Learning program within the new building.


DMACC officials have officially expressed support for the Career Academy.​

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​What classes will be taught at the Career Academy?

All of the district's Ag and Industrial tTechnology classes would be houses at this facility. This list includes: Agronomy, Ag Mechanics, Ag Business, Welding, Woodworking, Construction, and CAD/Drafting, among others.


As the Career Academy continues to develop, the goal is to place a Work-Based Learning coordinator in Earlham. This would be an individual who oversees the Work-Based Learning program for students who are experiencing the work environment prior to graduation.


How much revenue could the Career Academy generate?

If students from other districts attend classes offered at the new Career Academy, Earlham CSD can bill for the services to the resident district. Classes can be billed per student, per class.


By having an official affiliation with DMACC, we could also offer concurrent enrollment classes. This would also offer us an ability to bill for more based on the courses. Our district would also have options to offer continuing education classes or evening classes.


Will transportation to the Career Academy be offered?

We may need to provide a shuttle to and from the high school. Although the proposed Career Academy site is just one mile from the current building, we understand the liability that exists for students traveling. The logistics of this will be worked out if this project continues beyond the November 5 election.


Is the area at the track the right location for a new wrestling room?

The facility committee explored many options for all phases of this project. The proposed location of the new wrestling room was selected in large part because of the existing access to utilities that are already present in the ticket booth and storage area. Also having the parking lot nearby will allow for easier access to the facility.


Will this new facility take away other green space around the track?

If the new wrestling room is constructed, there will be less green space accessible on the west end of the track complex. Although the space is not ideal for sitting, it is used by visiting track teams.


Traditionally, Earlham CSD will host three to four track meets per year, meaning a decision will need to be made if more space is needed in the future. The east end of the track has the possibility of being opened up for more teams to gather.​​


What would be in a new wrestling room? 

The wrestling facility would also serve as a multi-purpose area, with up to 7,500 square feet of space. The project plans include:

  • Separate locker rooms for boys and girls (used for wrestling, field sports, and football)

  • Up to 2.5 mats of space that can be divided

  • Space for cardio equipment

  • Potential meeting room for 4-6 coaches and athletes

  • Large doors for transporting mats in and out

  • Usable space for physical education classes, if needed

  • Small area for taping table for field sports

  • A bathroom for coaches with a single-user toilet and shower


The district's maintenance department would move to the current wrestling room area if the new facility is completed.​

What is the estimated cost of each proposed project?

The new Career Academy would feature up to 15,000 square feet of space and has an estimated project cost of $5 million to $6.5 million. The renovation project at the middle school has an estimated cost of $1.5 million to $1.7 million. And the new wrestling practice facility, which would include up to 7,500 square feet of space, has a cost estimate of $2 million to $2.5 million.


These are “all in” cost estimates and include construction expenses, fees, testing, furniture and equipment, a 15% contingency fee, and escalation to 2026-27.​


​When making decisions, what other locations were considered?

The facility committee reviewed all available property the district currently owns. When exploring the lot east of the stadium, which was purchased three years ago, it was decided that the area would quickly be maxed out on square footage and parking.


Project architects also considered different types of Career Academy buildings. The current proposal was deemed the best option for the district's long-term needs.


What is the plan beyond this project?

The plan beyond the projects included in the November 5 bond referendum is for the district to continue developing the 30-acre property as needed. No immediate plans for development exist, but enrollment trends are expected to drive future need.


The 30-acre site where the Career Academy would be built will have an area designated for a future elementary building, as well as baseball and softball fields. These areas were identified by earlier committees and the district's needs assessment, which was completed in spring 2023.


The same process applies to the potential wrestling room and middle school classroom space.


Why aren't there more classrooms, less recreational/vo-tech space?

With the movement of the middle school to the refinished space, it frees up 5 classrooms currently occupied by the middle school. This will allow for those rooms to be used by the elementary. We do not have a full floor plan for the Career Academy developed yet but there is the potential for there to be additional classroom space there for other CTE (career technical education) classes to be held.

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Is there a separate or alternative plan in the works?

With the timeline of only being able to ask for a bond once a year (in November) we will have 1 year to discuss a contingency plan IF that is what the board decides. In the meantime, we will continue to try and maximize our spaces. The bottom line is classrooms sizes might get bigger until we are able add more classrooms.

What is the plan for the property across from the daycare that was purchased?

Given the drainage that runs through that property, there isn't much use for it at this time until we are ready to bury the drainpipe and level the ground. That will take a considerable amount of money to do.

Why did the school board already select a single contractor? Why not receive multiple bids?

We interviewed three companies and invited a fourth. All companies invited have local ties. We held a public work session to interview companies, and one person attended the meeting. Their job is to be a construction manager (provide a narrower budget, timeline for the project and manage the day to day if we pass the bond) not a contractor. Any remodel or new builds will go out for public bid.

What is the additional cost of staff/maintenance for the bus driver & shuttle vehicle(s)?

We own any vehicles needed. We may have to bring on a driver to transport but that could be an associate if we are using a van. We will work on logistics more as this project becomes a reality.

Will any (if so, how much) of the bond dollars be used to pay for a new septic lift to further support development?
None. We will have other utility costs, but the city has committed to handling the lift station.

Will a lift station be funded by the city?



How many additional students would the bond projects allow for?

By enabling the elementary school to grow into the three-story building and the middle school to move into new space, the elementary will be able to accommodate three sections. This will allow for an additional 160 students in grades K-5.


How many students does the district currently serve? 

Our current enrollment is at a record level for Earlham CSD.​


2024-25 Enrollment

  • Total students: 669

  • Open enrolled in: 119

  • Open enrolled out: 74


Growing enrollment is a good thing, but it requires the district to create more space that allows students and staff to have the learning environment and resources they need to thrive.


Describe the enrollment dollars brought in for every student who open enrolls.

It is the same as resident students. Currently, $7,864. Depending on the need of the student (IEP weighting) we are able to bill back to the resident district at our cost to serve the student.

Is our in-district enrollment trending down?

2023-24 enrollment was up 15 resident students
2024-25 enrollment is up 13


How will an approved bond referendum affect property taxes?

The estimated tax impact of an approved bond would be $2.70 per year on $1,000 of taxable property value. For a home with an assessed value of $200,000, this increase would amount to an additional $19.76 per month.


For a commercial property with an assessed value of $1 million, the monthly impact would be $187.77. For agricultural property (based on the Madison County average value of $1,103 per acre), the monthly impact would be $0.18 per acre.


In the past five years, Earlham CSD's overall tax levy rate has declined by 20% and remains one of the lowest in the region.


When is election day?

The election will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and polling locations can be found on the Iowa Secretary of State’s website at You will need a valid ID in order to cast a ballot.


You can find more information by visiting the How to Vote section​​

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